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发布时间:2024-09-13 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/


The basis of cooperation between shareholders is rules. Before starting cooperation, it is necessary to sign a shareholder agreement, make agreements on the exit mechanism, shareholder obligations, decision-making mechanism, and enterprise direction, and formulate specific implementation measures. Everyone promises to abide by them together to ensure the long-term stability of the company's foundation.


Establishing rules is essential for long-term cooperation


1. Recognizing and complying with rules is a prerequisite for becoming a shareholder. The cooperation and every move between shareholders involve the practical interests of everyone. Entrepreneurs must learn the Western way, establish clear cooperation rules in advance, agree with these rules, and only those who are willing to abide by these rules can become shareholders. Entrepreneurship is a long process, and every enterprise will experience ups and downs. Shareholders will go through all the things on the development path together with the company, and many things are closely related to the interests of shareholders. In theory, since the interests of shareholders are aligned, it seems that all shareholders should have one heart. In fact, it's not like that. If the company is running well, should dividends be distributed or diversified? How to motivate the management? If someone wants to merge and sell or not sell, what should be done if the company is not running well and loses money? What if shareholders continue to invest money in it... It can be said that every time a company needs a shareholder decision in its development process, it is a big test of the humanity and concept of shareholders. It is common and inevitable for shareholders to have disagreements about the direction of enterprise development and even certain specific matters. It is not uncommon for shareholders to turn against each other due to differences in opinion, and even evolve into personal attacks. They would rather kill each other and even the company if the net were broken. Shareholders are the foundation of a company, and if there are problems with shareholders, the company's foundation will be shaken. Therefore, before starting a business, it is necessary to consider the possibility of disagreements among shareholders, and to establish and agree with the rules in advance through a shareholder agreement in order to become a shareholder. Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation for the company.


2. Entrepreneurs should have a copy of the Robert's Rules of Procedure. Westerners are accustomed to using contracts to solve problems, starting with petty people and then gentlemen. China is a country that likes to mix human feelings with business, politics and economy. Chinese people like to solve problems with friendship. Hello in advance, hello to everyone, but once there is a disagreement, it won't work either way. You talk to me about contracts, I talk to you about emotions, you talk to me about promises, I talk to you about reasoning, and we get tangled up. Truly mature management cannot do without rules and standards. Although Americans advocate freedom by nature, they seem to be unconstrained, but they actually obey the rules most. Taking meetings as an example, they have a thick set of meeting rules - the Robert Rules of Procedure, written by Henry Martin Robert and published in 1876. After several revisions, the tenth edition was published in 2000. The content of the Robert Rules of Procedure is very detailed, including rules for the chairman presiding over the meeting, rules for the secretary of the meeting, rules for presenting and expressing different opinions, rules for debate, and voting rules in different situations. Its core principles include balance, constraints on leadership power, majority principle, debate principle, collective freedom of will, etc., which not only guarantees democracy but also efficiency. Another case is that the earliest Puritans to immigrate to the United States signed the Mayflower Convention and swore to abide by it before landing, thus establishing the fundamental principles of the founding of the United States. For domestic entrepreneurial shareholders, they did not formulate any rules for cooperation before they started cooperation. The vast majority of Chinese people signed the company's articles of association uniformly printed by the industrial and commercial department when they started the company. Many shareholders did not even read the articles of association carefully. The signing was just a formality. In addition to the implicit Chinese people, many things were not explained clearly in advance, which is very dangerous. In fact, there are many very core issues between shareholders that need to be agreed upon in advance, otherwise the company will get into big trouble once it encounters these problems. Because there is no agreed solution, we can only negotiate at that time, and these problems arise precisely because there are differences among shareholders. The difficulty and effectiveness of renegotiation can be imagined, and we can only pray for everyone's awareness. Many excellent companies have collapsed because of this.


What matters should be stipulated in the shareholder agreement


1. Although the legal obligation of shareholders is only to invest funds and not harm the interests of the company, it is not actually the case. Especially for start-up companies, when choosing shareholders, they often first consider the value of shareholders' resources and experience to the company, so shareholders of start-up companies often have more obligations. And these obligations cannot be equal for every shareholder, basically they can only be done by those who are capable. So it is best for all shareholders to agree clearly on what each person must do for the company before the joint venture, and to clarify what to do if they fail to do so (for example, if they fail to do so, other shareholders have the right to repurchase their shares at the original price, etc.), especially for those shareholders who hold important resources for the company's development. Those who are capable should not shirk or complain, while those who are unable should always have a grateful heart. Many people like to develop their business targets into shareholders, which requires great caution because once the other party resigns or is transferred, their value to the company will return to zero or even become negative. If it is necessary to develop such shareholders, it is necessary to clarify in advance what their obligations are, what they must do for the company, and what to do if they cannot do so, and then each party should follow the agreement. 2. The exit mechanism must be agreed upon in advance. I have seen too many tragedies of companies collapsing due to irreconcilable shareholder differences and lack of exit mechanisms, resulting in everyone dying together.


There are two possibilities for shareholders to withdraw: one is that there are serious differences in the company's development or management that cannot be reconciled. It is very normal for shareholders to have disagreements during the development of a company, especially when all shareholders are in the management team. Once these differences reach an irreconcilable point, the best way is for someone to withdraw and someone to stay behind, which is also an acceptable way for everyone. At this time, the biggest challenge often arises in how to withdraw and how to price. One is that someone has done something that seriously harms the interests of other shareholders or the company, and it is inevitable for them to withdraw. However, whether he agrees to withdraw, what the withdrawal price is, and what procedures will be used to make him withdraw, regardless of the situation, there will be many conflicts among shareholders, even reaching the level of personal attacks and unable to communicate. If there is no prior exit mechanism, conflicts are difficult to resolve. In China, the vast majority of companies that experience the above two problems have closed down, at least causing great damage to their vitality. Many companies do not like a clear exit mechanism, believing that agreements like prenuptial agreements are very unlucky. Actually, withdrawal also means a gentleman's contract, which is a golden promise for shareholders, core management, and employees.



Many companies are unable to operate due to disagreements on exit conditions. If shareholders have agreed on an exit mechanism in advance, specifying the boundary conditions, methods, pricing, etc. for exit, clearly agreeing on under what circumstances shareholders can exit, under what circumstances they must exit, how to handle exit, and at what price, many subsequent exit disputes will not arise, and even because of these rules, many disagreements will not develop to the point where these rules need to be implemented. Many recent examples have shown that the family affairs of major shareholders affect the survival of the company. Now it seems that shareholders should also make agreements on each other's family matters. Although the company has no right to interfere with the private affairs of shareholders, it should be possible to agree in advance on how to avoid any impact on the company if there are changes in the family of any shareholder. For example, if the shareholder cannot divide the equity on their own, other shareholders of the company can repurchase it at a price calculated according to a certain principle, and then require each shareholder's family member to sign and agree.


3. The shareholder agreement must also specify the voting mechanisms of the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors, clearly stating who will make decisions on which issues, how to vote if it is a collective decision, and once a vote is taken, everyone must resolutely implement it. There are two common problems in corporate decision-making: either there is no agreed upon decision-making mechanism, and once disagreements arise, decisions cannot be made. Either the decision is made according to the decision-making mechanism, but those who hold different opinions do not agree with the authority of the decision and do not comply with it. The harm of both situations is very significant.


4. The shareholder agreement should also specify the direction in which everyone invests in and runs the company, that is, the purpose and purpose of the company. Compared to the answers to these two questions, consensus among shareholders on these two issues is more important. These two issues are fundamental to the company, and if there is no consensus among shareholders, any decision may lead to disagreements. If there is a prior agreement, there will be direction and basis for resolving differences between shareholders.

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