

公司动态 当前位置: 首页>>股权资讯>>公司动态为什么说合伙可以,但不要变成股东


发布时间:2024-08-15 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/


Have you distinguished the difference between partners and equity? Many times, you just want to find someone to partner with, but if you turn them into shareholders, there is a great risk involved


1. We shouldn't have too many shareholders



2. After becoming a shareholder, your right to know, supervise, make decisions, and various legal risks related to the company will correspondingly increase.


So I suggest that everyone can become our partners before becoming shareholders. So what is the biggest difference between partners and shareholders?


1. Shareholders can only contribute money without contributing, but as partners, we mainly contribute and can also contribute money.


2. Shareholders must fully disclose, supervise, and manage all information about our company, but our partners may not fully disclose some financial, tax, and legal information about the company. So, compared to shareholders, partners are relatively safer.


3. When you introduce a shareholder, you will inevitably divide the shares of other shareholders, right? But when you introduce a partner, you are definitely not dividing the shares of other shareholders. Instead, you are expanding the interests of all shareholders. Therefore, I suggest that the talents you want to introduce and the people you want to cooperate with should become partners before becoming shareholders.


?? Many of our companies may really be presumptuous. In fact, many people cooperate and particularly want to share with you the short-term benefits of our projects and careers. If your company does not have a clear demand for going public, multiple growth, or being acquired, they do not care much about the issue of ownership.

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