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发布时间:2023-09-16 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/

According to relevant regulations, shareholders' rights (equity) must rely on specific entities, so the shares involved in options are subject to the following modifications:
(1)创始人(或其他特定人) 代持;
(1) Founder (or other specific person) holding on behalf of;
(2) Establish a limited partnership enterprise with employee shareholding as an option enterprise, holding the company's option pool, with the founder being the general partner;
(3) Establish a limited company with employee shareholding as an option enterprise, holding the company's option pool;
In actual equity incentives, in order to solve the problem of "shareholder rights (equity) must rely on specific entities", Huawei can also adopt the approach of establishing a shareholding platform company, where the platform holds the company's equity, and employees receive virtual stocks instead of option incentives. Employees enjoy the dividend and appreciation rights derived from virtual stocks
Factors affecting the size of option pools
01 Industry Practices
按照硅谷的惯例,创业公司一般预留全部股份的 10%-20%作为期权池.
According to the convention in Silicon Valley, startup companies generally reserve 10% -20% of all shares as an option pool
02 Investor Requirements
According to investor requirements, option pools are generally established before investors enter, and a certain proportion must be reached after investors enter. A larger option pool has greater appeal to employees and investors
03 Company's Future Talent Demand
The more comprehensive the talent structure of a startup company, the fewer scarce talents it needs to introduce in the future. Therefore, the option pool can be designed to be smaller. Otherwise, the more scarce talents it needs to introduce in the future, the larger the option pool will be
Source of stock in the option pool
期权池中的股权一般由创始人从自己持有的股权中提取,或者创始人与投资人按比例提取,届时可以由创始人与投资人协商确定,如果后期期权泡不够了,可以由公司向期权池定向增发或者由创始人 (或其他股东)给期权池转让一部分股权.
The equity in the option pool is generally extracted by the founder from their own equity, or proportionally extracted by the founder and investors. At that time, it can be determined through negotiation between the founder and investors. If the option bubble is insufficient in the later stage, the company can issue additional shares to the option pool or the founder (or other shareholders) can transfer a portion of the equity to the option pool
Allocation of Options
建议创业公司预窗的期权(或股权) 不要分得太快,因为股权是稀缺性资源,股权激励的速度必须根据公司未来发展的实际情况,拿捏好分寸.
It is recommended that the pre window options (or equity) of start-up companies should not be distributed too quickly, as equity is a scarce resource, and the speed of equity incentives must be determined based on the actual situation of the company's future development, with a proper balance
期权《或股权) 建议不要一次性授予,而是要分期激励,一定要设计好期权的分期、等待期、可行权日、期权行使期限等时间节点.
Option (or equity) is not recommended to be granted at once, but rather to be incentivized in installments. It is necessary to design time nodes such as the installment, waiting period, exercise date, and exercise period of the option
Set up exit mechanism
To establish a good exit mechanism, there are two types of options for equity incentives when employees leave: immature and mature. When employees leave, immature options become invalid; For mature options, it is recommended that the company repurchase them as agreed in advance, and employees should also unconditionally cooperate with the repurchase price and agree in advance; Either the price of exiting the net assets, or the price of financing, or the discount of financing price, in the equity incentive plan, prior agreement is quite important
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