In addition to the consideration of the business purpose itself, what factors should be considered in the equity structure adjustment of enterprises controlled by the same controller? The following is Shandong Equity Company's analysis:
(1) Control
The adjustment of the equity structure should not affect the actual controller's control over the enterprise.
(2) Financing and listing
Whether the adjusted structure is beneficial for enterprises to carry out various forms of financing, including the introduction of war investment, bank loans, issuance of stocks and bonds, etc. If the enterprise plans to be listed, the equity structure adjustment needs to meet the requirements of listing.
(3) Tax burden
In the process of equity structure adjustment, there will inevitably be tax obligations, and the tax burden required by different methods may be different.

(4) Convenient operation
Different equity adjustment methods require different processes, procedures, materials, etc., and require different time.
(5) Others
For example, the degree of cooperation of other shareholders.
How to adjust the equity structure of its company is generally divided into three steps:
1. Equity restructuring. That is to say, a holding company should be established first as the controlling shareholder of the main company to be listed. This holding company is generally a limited liability company.
2. Implement equity incentives. To build an employee shareholding platform (limited partnership), three factors should also be considered: tax, reasonable avoidance of the unlimited liability of the general partner in a limited partnership, and classified management of the shareholding platform.
3. Financing+attracting war investment.
It should be noted that the order of Step 2 and Step 3 cannot be changed. The common order is that investors can only be introduced after equity incentives are completed.
In addition, for the adjustment of equity structure between enterprises controlled by the same controller, common methods include equity transfer, equity contribution, equity transfer, capital increase, capital reduction, merger, division, etc. Come to our website for more relevant matters http://www.lushangyun.com consulting service