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发布时间:2024-07-15 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/


In the business world, a one person limited company is a special form of company. When the company's shareholders are only you, or when the shareholders are you and your spouse, such a company is recognized as a one person limited liability company.


From a legal perspective, a one person limited liability company is nominally limited liability, but in actual operation, if it cannot be clearly proven that personal property is strictly separated from company property, then unlimited joint and several liability needs to be borne. Once a company encounters problems or falls into bankruptcy crisis, the court will conduct strict scrutiny. As long as you have an economic relationship with the company for even a single yuan, the court may rule that the company and personal property have not been separated, and in this case, you must bear unlimited joint and several liability.

想象一下,即便您的公司注册资本仅为 10 万元,但公司破产后,您可能面临赔房、赔车,甚至累及家庭财产,付出巨大的代价来偿还债务。

Imagine that even if your company's registered capital is only 100000 yuan, after bankruptcy, you may face the risk of losing your house, car, and even family property, paying a huge price to repay your debts.


So, how do business experts deal with this risk and achieve a balance between wealth security and company development?

首先,他们会成立一家家族公司。家族公司的注册资金一般为 10 万元,成员由您与您的子女或者父母组成。这家公司的主要职能并非开展业务,而是进行投资和放置重要资产,为老板的财富安全保驾护航。在股权分配上,您自己持股 99%,剩余 1%不要给予您的配偶,而是分给您的小孩或者其他家人。通过这种股权分配方式,可以有效避免该公司被认定为一人有限公司,降低潜在的法律风险和经济风险。

Firstly, they will establish a family company. The registered capital of a family company is generally 100000 yuan, and the members are composed of you and your children or parents. The main function of this company is not to conduct business, but to invest and place important assets to safeguard the wealth security of the boss. In terms of equity distribution, you hold 99% of the shares yourself, and the remaining 1% should not be given to your spouse, but to your children or other family members. Through this equity distribution method, the company can effectively avoid being recognized as a one person limited company, reducing potential legal and economic risks.

其次,再设立一家注册资金同样为 10 万元的防火墙公司。由家族公司在防火墙公司持股 99%,剩下 1%的股权分配给您的小孩。在此基础上,创立两家有限合伙企业。其中一家用于搭建持股平台,对内实施股权激励或者整合行业高手;另一家则用于对外进行资本引进,吸引外部投资和资源。

Secondly, establish another firewall company with a registered capital of 100000 yuan. The family company holds 99% of the shares in the firewall company, with the remaining 1% allocated to your children. On this basis, two limited partnership enterprises were established. One of them is used to build a shareholding platform, implement equity incentives internally, or integrate industry experts; The other one is used for capital introduction to attract external investment and resources.

在有限合伙企业中,存在两种类型的股东:普通合伙人(GP)和有限合伙人(LP)。普通合伙人拥有对企业的百分百控制权,而有限合伙人仅享有分红权。让家族公司充当有限合伙企业的普通合伙人(GP),哪怕家族公司仅占股 1%,也能掌握企业的决策控制权。其余股权则用于整合资金、资源和人才,最后通过有限合伙企业在主体公司持股 70%,防火墙公司持股 30%。

In a limited partnership enterprise, there are two types of shareholders: general partners (GP) and limited partners (LP). General partners have 100% control over the enterprise, while limited partners only enjoy dividend rights. Let the family company act as the general partner (GP) of the limited partnership enterprise, even if the family company only holds 1% of the shares, they can still control the decision-making power of the enterprise. The remaining equity is used to integrate funds, resources, and talent, and ultimately holds 70% of the shares in the main company and 30% of the shares in the firewall company through a limited partnership enterprise.

通过这样的股权架构设计,只要牢牢掌控家族公司,就能实现对旗下所有公司的有效掌控。不仅能够整合各方资金、资源和人才为己所用,而且即使主体公司不幸破产,您也仅需承担 10 万元的有限责任,成功地将家庭财产与企业经营风险进行了有效隔离,为企业发展和个人财富安全建立了坚实的保障。

Through this equity structure design, as long as the family company is firmly controlled, effective control over all its subsidiaries can be achieved. Not only can it integrate funds, resources, and talents from all parties for its own use, but even if the main company unfortunately goes bankrupt, you only need to bear a limited liability of 100000 yuan, successfully isolating family property from business risks and establishing a solid guarantee for the development of the enterprise and personal wealth security.


Here is a real and highly representative business case - the commercial layout analysis of Zhang Yuliang's Greenland Group.

张玉良先生先成立了注册资金为 10 万元且 100%控股的格林兰投资管理有限公司,之后又各出资 1 千元成立 32 家有限合伙企业。每一个有限合伙企业吸引 49 个 LP 投资人,那么 32 家有限合伙企业,就吸引了 32×49 = 1568 个 LP 投资人。

Mr. Zhang Yuliang first established Greenland Investment Management Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 100000 yuan and 100% controlling stake, and then each contributed 1000 yuan to establish 32 limited partnership enterprises. Each limited partnership attracts 49 LP investors, so 32 limited partnerships attract 32 x 49=1568 LP investors.

其中的关键操作在于:格林兰投资管理有限公司仅持有有限合伙企业 1%的股份,但都作为有限合伙企业的普通合伙人(GP),掌握着企业的决策控制权。

The key operation is that Greenland Investment Management Limited only holds 1% of the shares of the limited partnership enterprise, but as the general partner (GP) of the limited partnership enterprise, they hold the decision-making control of the enterprise.

紧接着,以格林兰投资管理有限公司作为普通合伙人(GP),32 家有限合伙企业作为有限合伙人(LP),共同成立上海格林兰有限合伙企业,成为绿地集团的大股东从而实现对绿地集团的控股。

Subsequently, with Greenland Investment Management Co., Ltd. as the general partner (GP) and 32 limited partnerships as limited partners (LP), Shanghai Greenland Limited Partnership was jointly established, becoming the major shareholder of Greenland Group and achieving control over Greenland Group.

仅用 10 万元就成功控股 5000 亿市值的绿地集团,并且只承担 10 万元的风险,这样精妙的股权架构布局,无疑是商业智慧的结晶,既体现了科学的股权设计理念,又展现出了高超的商业运作艺术。

With only 100000 yuan, Greenland Group successfully controlled a market value of 500 billion yuan and only assumed a risk of 100000 yuan. This ingenious equity structure layout is undoubtedly the crystallization of business wisdom, reflecting both scientific equity design concepts and superb commercial operation art.


In addition, after having a reasonable equity structure and limited partnership agreement for a limited partnership enterprise, the following three rules must be formulated during the process of partnership entrepreneurship:


1、 Money sharing rules

1. 明确分红的比例:是按照出资比例分配,还是按照占股比例分配,都需要提前约定清晰。对于有不干活的股东,一定要设置回本前和回本后的差异化分红比例,以激励股东积极投入到公司的运营发展中。对于拥有干股的股东,要设置在职分红规则,即依据股东所在岗位为公司创造的利润进行分红。

1. Clarify the distribution ratio of dividends: whether to distribute according to the proportion of capital contribution or the proportion of shareholding, both need to be clearly agreed upon in advance. For shareholders who do not work, it is necessary to set differentiated dividend ratios before and after capital recovery to incentivize shareholders to actively invest in the company's operational development. For shareholders who hold dry shares, an on-the-job dividend rule should be established, which distributes dividends based on the profits created for the company by the shareholder's position.

2. 明确分红总额度:在确定分红总额时,要合理预留一定比例的资金作为备用资金,以应对公司未来的发展需求和可能出现的风险,例如预留 10% - 20%的资金作为备用。

2. Clarify the total dividend amount: When determining the total dividend amount, a certain proportion of funds should be reasonably reserved as backup funds to meet the company's future development needs and potential risks, such as reserving 10% -20% of funds as backup.

3. 明确分红的时间:分红的时间周期需要明确规定,是按月度、季度还是年度进行分红,或者约定当公司利润达到一定数额时才进行分红。

3. Clarify the dividend distribution time: The dividend distribution time period needs to be clearly defined, whether it is distributed on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, or it can be agreed that dividends will only be distributed when the company's profits reach a certain amount.


2、 Decentralization rules


Reasonable power allocation is crucial in the operation and management of a company. It is necessary to clarify the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder in the company's decision-making, management, supervision, etc., to ensure that the company's operational decisions are efficient, scientific, and reasonable. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a sound power balance mechanism to prevent one shareholder from having excessive power and damaging the interests of the company and other shareholders.



3、 Incentive rules

1. 股东激励:股东作为公司的重要组成部分,不仅要投入资金,还需要为公司的发展贡献智慧和精力。因此,对股东进行激励是非常必要的。通过设置合理的激励机制,如超额利润激励法、在职分红激励法等,激发股东的积极性和创造力,让股东不仅仅是享受股权带来的分红收益,更能积极参与到公司的经营管理中,为公司的发展出谋划策、贡献力量。

1. Shareholder incentives: Shareholders, as an important part of the company, not only need to invest funds, but also contribute wisdom and energy to the company's development. Therefore, incentivizing shareholders is essential. By setting up reasonable incentive mechanisms, such as excess profit incentive method, on-the-job dividend incentive method, etc., we can stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of shareholders, so that they can not only enjoy the dividend income brought by equity, but also actively participate in the company's operation and management, and contribute to the development of the company by providing strategies and contributions.

2. 明确激励的方法:超额利润激励法是指当公司的利润超过预定目标时,给予股东一定比例的额外奖励;在职分红激励法是根据股东在公司任职期间,其所负责的业务或项目所创造的利润,给予相应的分红奖励。

2. Clarify the incentive method: The excess profit incentive method refers to giving shareholders a certain percentage of additional rewards when the company's profits exceed the predetermined target; The on-the-job dividend incentive method is to provide corresponding dividend rewards to shareholders based on the profits created by the business or projects they are responsible for during their tenure in the company.


In addition to the above three rules, reasonable exit rules need to be formulated during the process of partnership entrepreneurship to cope with possible shareholder exits.


4、 Exit Rule

1. 明确锁定期:在合伙协议中明确规定股东的锁定期,例如在 3 - 5 年内不能退出公司。如果股东在锁定期内中途退出,需要制定相应的惩罚措施,如扣除一定比例的股权或者要求其支付违约金等,以避免因股东随意退出导致项目资金链断裂、项目夭折的情况发生。

1. Clear lock up period: Clearly stipulate the lock up period for shareholders in the partnership agreement, such as not being able to exit the company within 3-5 years. If shareholders withdraw midway during the lock up period, corresponding punishment measures need to be formulated, such as deducting a certain proportion of equity or requiring them to pay liquidated damages, in order to avoid the situation of project funding chain breakage and project failure caused by shareholders' arbitrary withdrawal.

2. 明确退出的价格:在回本前退出和回本后退出,股东所能获得的股权价格是不同的。回本前退出,由于公司尚未实现盈利,股东退出的价格可能相对较低;回本后退出,股东可以按照一定的溢价比例退出。具体的价格和溢价比例需要在合伙协议中明确约定。

2. Clarify the exit price: Shareholders can obtain different equity prices before and after returning to capital. Exit before recouping the capital, as the company has not yet achieved profitability, the price for shareholders to exit may be relatively low; After recovering the capital, shareholders can withdraw according to a certain premium ratio. The specific price and premium ratio need to be clearly stipulated in the partnership agreement.

3. 明确净身出户的情形:如果股东出现损害公司利益、挖走客户资源、泄露公司商业机密谋取私利等行为,应当强制其净身出户,即无偿收回其股权。

3. Clarify the circumstances for net withdrawal: If shareholders engage in behaviors that harm the interests of the company, poach customer resources, leak company trade secrets for personal gain, etc., they should be forced to net out, that is, their equity should be recovered free of charge.

如果您希望实现出小钱占大股,既能激励人才、吸引投资人,又能降低税负,牢牢把握公司控制权,并有效降低风险的股权架构,那么一定要签署好以下 5 份协议:

If you want to achieve a shareholding structure that can motivate talent, attract investors, reduce tax burden, firmly grasp the control of the company, and effectively reduce risks with small amounts of money, then you must sign the following 5 agreements:

1. 《股东合作协议》:这份协议详细明确股东之间的权利和义务,避免在公司运营过程中出现利益分配不均、责任分工不明等问题,为公司的稳定发展奠定基础。

1. Shareholder Cooperation Agreement: This agreement specifies in detail the rights and obligations between shareholders, avoiding issues such as uneven distribution of benefits and unclear division of responsibilities in the company's operation, and laying the foundation for the stable development of the company.

2. 《保密协议》:签署保密协议可以有效防止股东将公司机密泄露给竞争对手或其他第三方,保护公司的核心商业机密和知识产权,维护公司的市场竞争力和商业利益。

2. Confidentiality Agreement: Signing a confidentiality agreement can effectively prevent shareholders from leaking company secrets to competitors or other third parties, protect the company's core business secrets and intellectual property, and maintain the company's market competitiveness and commercial interests.

3. 《竞业禁止协议》:竞业禁止协议的签订能够防止股东离开公司后从事与公司业务相竞争的活动,避免公司的市场份额和客户资源被分流,保障公司的商业利益和发展空间。

3. Non compete Agreement: The signing of a non compete agreement can prevent shareholders from engaging in activities that compete with the company's business after leaving the company, avoid the diversion of the company's market share and customer resources, and safeguard the company's commercial interests and development space.

4. 《同股不同权章程》:通过约定股权相同但投票权不同的条款,保证公司在决策过程中有一个明确的决策人,避免因股权分散导致决策效率低下、决策方向不一致等问题,确保公司的决策能够快速、高效地执行。

4. "Articles of Association for Same Stock but Different Voting Rights": By stipulating that the equity is the same but the voting rights are different, the company ensures that there is a clear decision-maker in the decision-making process, avoiding problems such as low decision-making efficiency and inconsistent decision-making directions caused by dispersed equity, and ensuring that the company's decisions can be executed quickly and efficiently.

5. 《退出机制》:提前制定完善的退出机制,明确公司在盈利和亏损状态下股东的退出方式和退出价格,以及在何种情况下股东需要净身出户,为公司的股权结构稳定和持续发展提供保障。

5. "Exit Mechanism": Develop a comprehensive exit mechanism in advance, clarify the exit methods and prices for shareholders in both profit and loss states of the company, and under what circumstances shareholders need to clear their accounts, providing guarantees for the stability and sustainable development of the company's equity structure.

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