What should we pay attention to in equity incentive? Don't worry, here the editor has prepared the knowledge points for you:
1 初创合伙人不建议超过四人,股权切记不建议平分,需要有大股东;
1. It is not recommended to have more than four startup partners, and it is not recommended to divide the equity equally, and it is necessary to have major shareholders;
2 合伙人设计股权结构时建议预留股权激励池;
2. When designing the equity structure, the partners suggest to reserve the equity incentive pool;
3 合伙人股权要有退出机制;
3. The partner's equity should have an exit mechanism;
4 外部兼职人员不建议持有较高比例股权,投资人不建议控股;
4. External part-time personnel are not recommended to hold a higher proportion of shares, and investors are not recommended to hold shares;
5 不建议给短期资源承诺者发放过多股权;
5. It is not recommended to issue too much equity to short-term resource commitments;
6 充分考虑配偶股权的稳定性,提前签署好离婚的股权分配协议;
6. Fully consider the stability of the spouse's equity and sign the equity distribution agreement for divorce in advance;

7 股权激励,不是福利,也不是奖励,不建议成大锅饭、不建议做全员激励;
7. Equity incentive is neither welfare nor reward. It is not recommended to make a big pot of rice or encourage all employees;
8 股权好让员工购买而不要轻易赠送;
8. The stock right is easy for employees to purchase rather than give easily;
9 自古“不患寡而患不均”,要做到股权激励发放标准相对公平合理,同时发放标准需要公开;
9 Since ancient times, "do not suffer from scarcity, but suffer from inequality". In order to achieve relatively fair and reasonable distribution standards of equity incentives, the distribution standards need to be open;
10 真正做到拿到股权激励的被激励,没拿到的股权激励的可预期;
10. To really achieve that those who get equity incentives are encouraged, and those who don't get equity incentives are predictable;
11 需要让员工有参与感,并自愿参与,让员工有主动选择权,而不是被动选择;
11. Employees need to have a sense of participation and participate voluntarily, so that employees have the right to choose actively rather than passively;
12 股权激励方案制定好,需在公司内部做动员启动大会,让员工充分理解,激发积极性;
12 When the equity incentive plan is formulated, a mobilization kick-off meeting should be held inside the company to fully understand and motivate employees;
13 股权激励的制定需要全盘综合考虑企业进入资本市场影响性;
The formulation of equity incentive needs to comprehensively consider the impact of enterprises entering the capital market;
14 股权激励是基于业绩考虑设立,需要充分的与业绩挂钩;
14 Equity incentive is based on performance considerations and needs to be fully linked to performance;
15 为规避法律纠纷,在推行股权激励方案前应事先明确退出机制;
In order to avoid legal disputes, the exit mechanism should be clarified in advance before implementing the equity incentive scheme;
16 股权激励的方案制定需要充分调研,每家公司都具有特殊性,切不可照搬模板;
16. The formulation of equity incentive plan needs to be fully investigated. Each company has its own particularity, and it is not allowed to copy the template;
17 In order to ensure the fairness and persuasiveness of the equity incentive plan, it can be formulated by a third party (such as a lawyer). Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.lushangyun.com Ask!