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发布时间:2023-07-12 来源:http://www.lushangyun.com/

Regarding equity, everyone will always encounter various problems in practice. Here, the common problems and suggestions encountered in serving customers are summarized as follows, hoping to inspire readers.
1. Some partners are important positions in the company, but they feel unfair because their initial investment is relatively small and their shareholding ratio is relatively low. How can they adjust?
Shandong Equity Suggestion: Equity incentives can be provided to partners with strong abilities through the issuance of additional equity. Through equity incentives, partners with a lower proportion of equity in the early stage can obtain more equity through their own efforts in the later stage.
Can dividend rights and voting rights be separately agreed upon?
Suggestion: Yes, shareholders can separately agree on dividend and voting rights through an agreement, not based on the proportion of shareholders' equity, as long as it is a rule recognized by all shareholders.
3. I am the founder of the project, and my friend has invested more than me, but he is not involved in management. How can I ensure my control?
Suggestion: Let your friend own a small share in the equity ratio. You can agree to let your friend distribute more dividends in the early stage, return the investment amount to the principal, or after the company reaches a certain performance, distribute dividends based on the equity held.
Is it reasonable for our two shareholders to hold 51% and 49% equity? Now there are two new shareholders who want to join, where will the equity of the new shareholders be given? How is it more reasonable to adjust the equity of old shareholders?
Suggestion: This equity structure is not very reasonable, and it is recommended to make appropriate adjustments through the addition of new shareholders. The majority shareholder holds 51% of the shares, while the other three shareholders can hold 49%, which would be much better. Suggestions for new shareholders' equity: firstly, two shareholders are diluted in the same proportion; secondly, 49% of shareholders are transferred. Because the adjustment of equity will affect the interests of shareholders who previously held 49% equity, it is also necessary to consider adjusting and balancing dividends.
5. I work as a chain store and currently have two stores that are operating well, but with limited funds. I plan to open a new store and plan to do so through crowdfunding. How much equity would be appropriate for me to hold in the new store?
Suggestion: For crowdfunding of general single stores, those who participate in investment will not participate in the actual management of the store, and the final decision-making power is in your hands. The amount of your shareholding does not have a significant impact. It is recommended to allocate around 60% of the equity to crowdfunding at a range of 30% to 40%. Agree on the exit method for crowdfunding shareholders and implement risk prevention and control measures.
Here are some examples of common issues among equity partners. We hope to provide you with more information on our website http://www.lushangyun.com consulting service

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